The main purpose of creation of the program is to offer an advanced financial forecasting tool to investors to help them see ahead of themselves in a very fluctuating market environment.
The Forecaster program offers its users the probabilities of underlying instruments with various scenarios such as the selected underlying asset/product value being higher or lower or in between the pre-determined barriers (price levels).
The users, if they want, may change the barrier level brought up by the system or may conduct many simulations where they could analyze the probability of exceeding a price level that they have determined.
In this way, many users from different sectors can digitally analyze the prospective uncertainties using this program.
The program also contains various tools to make technical analyzes.
The Financial Forecaster program consists of five main modules;
Rate/Parity Forecast
Stock/Index Forecast
Metal Prices Forecast
Interest Rate Forecast
Commodity Prices Forecast
The program includes;
Automatic recognition of the direction/trend of the market's current situation,
Technical analysis tools,
Forecasting with stochastic models,
Advanced volatility modeling support,
Implied volatility support
Ability to assign probability according to market conditions.
Its areas of use are:
Level forecasting; daily, weekly, monthly, or for a desired time period,
Simulating realization for different market conditions,
Identifying the probability of exceeding the support and resistance levels,
Determining the probability of testing critical price levels,
Calculating the probability of exceeding a certain price level,
Calculating probability of the values determined as a strike price for derivative products,
Making good case and bad case analyses,
Forecasting budget rates,
Determining campaign prices (real sector),
Determining the protection/hedge level.